Title: Haiku: Valentine's Day

Rating: PG (slash implied)

Spoilers: None




Haiku: Valentine's Day



I am good at words: connotation, denotation, inflection, . .I had access to my grandparents' library and spent many a cold, lonely winter's night studying and learning. However, I am not good at expressing my emotions aloud in words; my tongue stumbles and trips and my explanation meanders, ultimately turning into babble.


There are, of course, Inuit stories that would suit admirably. The ancient words of an ancient people can allow me to express my feelings. But even as I think this, I can picture hazel-green eyes rolling towards the heavens and hear the moans and groans protesting yet another story from the Frozen North.


No Inuit stories, then.


A card, perhaps. Millions are marketed just for this purpose: to say in print what one cannot comfortably say aloud. I've slipped into the stores on lunch breaks or during errands, perusing the various cards. Rack upon rack of cards, almost an infinity of printed words that tell the simple message "I love you." Humorous words. Solemn vows. Achingly sweet declarations. The wrong words, though. I can hear the words he'd use, an admonition to "don't get mushy or anything." I can hear him as plain as I can hear Diefenbaker's grumbles as he sleeps now beside my desk. As plain as the pain

I feel when I look at him and let another day go by without telling him how I feel.


No Valentine's Day card, either.


I will not rely upon other people's words. Neither Inuit nor Hallmark can interpret the joy I find in this maddening, marvelous man. The words must be my own, must convey my message and must be heard by his heart.  I will find words that capture the spirit and essence of Ray Vecchio: tall, elegantly sculpted, possessor of an inner strength and fire and beauty that calls to me and as necessary to my heart as my life's blood.


Ray. A haiku, personified.


A haiku, then, for Ray.




This city, strange, cold  -

I look into clear green eyes

To find my soul's warmth.


. . . A Valentine from Benny to Ray

The end.


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